Individual Therapy

2154370765Can things ever change?

Waking up in the morning and feeling the dread and weight of the world on your shoulders gets old after the first time, but now you are months into feeling the impending fear of starting another day.

Intense fear fills your chest, and you want to do anything but that task that stands in your way.

Maybe if you ignore the problem, it will go away, but we both know it never has. Now, things are mounting up, and you feel stuck.

You might think things can’t ever change and will be like this forever.

Take a real glimpse of another version of your life.

What if you could think differently when these instances come up?

What if you were able to face your fears, start making palpable changes in your life, and become the type of person who feels like they are thriving, regardless of the circumstances?

It might feel impossible to start behaving or thinking differently, but as the adage says, “The journey of 1,000 miles starts with one step.”

It’s up to you to take that initial step and seek the help you need to find that new version – the one you want and need.

Individual therapy helps promote that new version.

Visualize yourself entering my home office. You open the door, and I invite you inside. We enter my office, and I offer you a seat on my iconic green couch. Then, we start to go over the therapy policies.

At first, you feel a twinge of anxiety, not knowing where this will go, worried maybe you made a mistake. I ask you, “What brought you into therapy?” For the first time in a long time, you are free to share what is on your mind, and you have someone intently listening to you and wanting to understand your emotions and situation.

After five minutes, relief starts to wash over your body as you continue talking. You experience a cathartic release and begin to feel a bit more at ease.

We work through what doesn’t work in your life and plan together things that can help you think about your problems in a way that leads to solving them or, at the very least, not being hindered by them. You start to understand how this therapy thing goes. After the first session ends, you drive home thinking, “That felt like a conversation with an old friend that wasn’t too bad.”

1105803752Therapy helps you identify helpful and unhelpful thoughts.

A big part of individual therapy is understanding your thoughts about yourself and your life.

Sometimes, we tell ourselves a particular narrative that adds to the feeling of stuckness. Once we identify those automatic thoughts, we will work to find more helpful ways to make problems less daunting.

With every thought also comes an accompanying emotion. Therefore, we will also work on identifying and describing emotions. Understanding your own emotions allows you to collect essential data about yourself.

It is much easier to make good decisions when you have the best information. Finding ways to make good decisions is what we will do in individual therapy.

What do you think?

If you want to make positive changes and are ready to work and do things differently, then now is the time to call and make a change.

I will personally answer or return your call. We’ll talk about the presenting issue and see if I am a good fit for you. We will then talk about times that work for you. I will take your phone number and email to send you the intake paperwork.

You can start to build the life you want. Call now to get started: (385) 325-1779.